Have you ever considered that [seed] which you emit
Have ye seen that which ye emit
Do ye then see?- The (human Seed) that ye throw out,
Have you considered what you ejaculate?
Have you seen the semen which you ejaculate?
Have you thought about [the semen] that you discharg
Have you considered the seed
Considered you what you spill of human seed?
Have you ever considered what you emit?
You see what you emit (semen).
Have you considered that which you emit
Did you observe what you ejaculate?
Have you seen what you ejaculate
Have you then (ever) pondered over what semen you emit
Have you ever considered the semen you discharge
So, have you then seen what you ejaculate
Have you seen sperm
So, tell Me about the semen you drop (in the wombs)
Have you ever considered the male and female seed
Do you ever think about the semen you ejaculate
Do you see it? The (human) seed, (the chromosomes in the sperm and ovum) that you throw out—
Have you seen that which you emit
Have you noted the semen that you produce?
Consider [the semen] you eject
Behold! - that which ye emit
Just consider (the semen) that you emit
Have you thought about the sperm that you ejaculate?
Have you considered the semen that you emit
Have you considered the sperm that you emit
Have you considered the seed (or what you emit)
Have you considered what you ejaculate?
Do you then see that which you throw out
Haven’t you considered the semen you emit?
Did you ever consider the sperm that you emit
Have you noted the semen that you produce?
Do you see what you ejaculate
So look you, the sperm drop that you emit.
Have you noted the semen that you produce?
Have you thought about what (sperm) you ejaculate
See you that which you emit
Did you see/understand what you ejaculate/discharge semen/sperm
Have you ever thought about the [”insignificant”] semen that you discharge
So what is your opinion regarding the semen you discharge
What think ye of the sperm-drop that you emit
Well, give your view: the semen (sperm drop) that you ejaculate (into the womb)
Have you given thought to (the sperm drop, your life-germ) that you emit
Then tell Me (about) the human semen that you emit
Have you considered the seed you spill
What think ye? The seed which ye emit
Have ye considered what ye emit
What think ye? The germs of life
Behold the semen you discharge
Have you seen [the seed] that you discharge.
Have you seen that which you ejaculate?
Have you considered your issue?
Do you consider the reproductive sperm and ovum?
Have youpl seen what you ejaculate?
Have you ever considered what you emit [of semen]?
Have you seen what you ejaculate (Semen)?
Have you seen the sperm that you emit?
Have you seen (the sperm) which you emit?
Do you see the fluid you emit
And have you seen what you emit?
Do ye then see?- The (human Seed) that ye throw out,
Do you see what you emit
Afaraaytum ma tumnoona
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